What are the Most Common Spots for Mold in the Home?

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Common Spots For Mold Growth

Mold is one of the pervasive infections that a home can have. As long as human's have lived in stationary structures we have had to deal with issues of dampness, and the elements getting into our homes, which in turn breeds mold. Like a weed mold can spread throughout the home through roots in the walls, floors, etc. So one needs to ask where are the common spots to find mold?

Most Common Spots to Find Mold:


Typically, one of the dampest places in your home, being underneath the house itself, surrounded by dirt or clay. The moisture that gets trapped in the ground gets transferred to the walls of the basement, which mold spores can live on. Often, we put drywall up around the concrete foundations of the basement, which are made of wood byproduct, become food for the mold spores.

Sump Pump:

Another place to find mold is near a basement’s sump pump since this area permeates a fresh moisture source even when there is a drought.


They are damp and often have porous areas where mold can have their roots latched in. This is a paradise for those allergens and can quickly infect an area. Often this is the reason why a bathroom is tiled to avoid this issue; however, mold can find its way behind the tile to its food source which would be the wood and drywall. Any place where there might be the hint of moisture there will be a chance of mold.


You would think that the kitchen would be safe with all the cleaning that goes into the food preparation process. As we all know the most common ingredient in food is water. A leaky faucet or drain can cause mold growth or even without a thorough cleaning of the kitchen the mold can grow from a food prep area.

Sinks (Drains):

Sinks and drains consistently have water running through them and can leak water if they break. If the leak is minor, it can be hard to detect that it is happening at all, so it is a good idea to consistently check your sinks and drains for moisture and or sitting water.


Like sinks and drains, pipes can leak so it is important for homeowners to look for signs of moisture in walls and ceilings such as water stains, warping wood, breaking dry wall, etc. Not all pipes in your home are easily accessible to inspect so inspecting the walls and ceilings that hide the pipes are sometimes the only way to detect water damage.

All of these spots are prime breeding grounds for mold. These are not only the places that you can find mold, but these are usual spots. So why not look tonight and see what you find.

Have more questions about mold removal in your home?

Call 443-701-0111 or email info@si-restoration.com for more information.

Mon, 04/07/2014 - 12:35 by mindgrub

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