Mold Remediation in New Home Construction

New Home Construction and Mold Remediation Issues

Mold in new home construction

Mold is often seen as an issue that occurs in older properties, mainly because of its association with the age of the property itself. However, mold is indiscriminate against any age of home, and often times it can be even more prevalent. One of the prime factors on why mold growth occurs in newer construction is that with the speedy techniques that are used in the construction of modern homes.

Often modern homes that are built in tract style developments occur in stages. These stages are often left out in the elements till the work on similar parts of the homes are completed. The reason for this is that it cuts down on the costs of building the home, because of the ordering of the material in bulk. With the rapidness of the building process there is a tendency to disregard the moisture that could become trapped within the building material itself. With the moisture trapped and there is nowhere else for it to go except the wood material that is used in the construction of the home. This is a veritable delight for those mold particles to feed off. Also, due to the energy standards placed on new homes, these properties often have little in the way of options to remove moisture.

With the rate at which modern homes are built there is little wonder why mold would thrive in such an environment. The moisture and the wood inside each of these homes offer an excellent food source for mold particles. With materials being exposed to the elements by the builder, there is generally ire of caution that needs to be taken into looking into the purchase of purchasing a new property. However, a great way of solving this problem is by having a home inspection done or better yet if there is visible mold, a remediation firm come out to visually check for mold.

Having a Mold Remediation firm come out to view the properties and possibly due an estimate to repair the damage would be beneficial for all parties that are involved. It helps the potential homeowners from making a rash decision, and helps the builder possibly not lose a sale, if it is treated beforehand. Here at SI Restoration our professional crews can help in all aspects in removing the mold.

Call SI Restoration today for more information on our mold remediation services for new home construction and how we specialize in the mold removal.

Thu, 10/02/2014 - 12:35 by mindgrub

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