How to Prevent Mold in Hospitals

Certified Hospital Mold Removal Professionals

Mold growth in any building can cause severe health issues for inhabitants.  While the severity of an outbreak may be just as dire in a residence as it is in a commercial building, perhaps no circumstance is more alarming than mold remediation needed in hospitals.

Hospitals are the one singular institution where people should feel safest.  Injuries, diseases, and illness usually drive people to a hospital.  Mold growth, however, can actually drive people away.

Mold can grow in any damp, dark, humid area.  The toxic fungus holds no prejudice against where these areas may be located – hospital or not.  As long as a moisture or water damage source is feeding the fungal colony, mold spores will deplete the indoor air quality of any building.

Mold growth in hospitals is especially dangerous considering any and all instrumentation used in a hospital must be clean and sterile in order to be used.  Along with the inherent respiratory issues that stem from mold outbreaks, reactions can also include rashes, high fever, and infection.  Should these symptoms couple themselves with symptoms that required patients to stay at a hospital in the first place, the results could be deadly.

Image removed.Like any other infectious outbreak that occurs in a hospital, mold must be quarantined in order to be effectively eradicated.  Hospital staff and officers should notify the public immediately should they come across mold growth.  Once the area is evacuated and contained, mold remediation can begin.

Especially in hospitals, mold remediation should be handled by certified, licensed professionals.  These certifications will ensure that EPA and OSHA-regulated materials and practices will be utilized to provide a safe environment for patients and staff to return to.  Certification can be obtained through an independent governing body of the restoration industry called the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).  The IICRC has developed the S520 Guidelines for Mold Removal which protects the interests of both the contractors performing the remediation as well as the patients, doctors, nurses, family, and staff that use the hospital frequently.

Like any other commercial mold removal project, certified contractors must also be properly insured and bonded to protect the interests of all parties involved as well as the integrity of the structure itself.

It is also a good idea for hospitals, and all other commercial businesses, to have a third-party industrial hygienist test to make sure the mold has been completely removed.  Contractors that claim to be able to test and remediate the same job cause a conflict of interest which could taint the result of the test.  By hiring a third-party hygienist, testing will be done independently to protect the safety of the contractor, the client, and the patients.

While it may cause a temporary displacement for staff and patients, handling mold remediation in a hospital properly will not only save time and money in the long run, but it can also save lives.

Call SI Restoration for your Hospital Mold Removal project, we are open 24/7 with emergency services.

Tue, 10/31/2017 - 12:34 by mindgrub

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