You've Got Mold - 10 Signs of Mold in Your Home

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Top Ten Signs Of A Moldy Home

You may not realize it, but mold could be lurking within your home. Be on the lookout for these signs of a possible mold infestation:

  1. Water damage
    Unattended water damage can lead to mold, as moisture creates an ideal environment for mold spores to thrive.
  2. Leaks
    If there is a leak in your home, it can eventually lead to water damage as well as produce those prime, moist conditions mold requires.
  3. Humidity
    When a home has humid conditions, the moisture in the air is higher. High humidity can produce condensation and excess water, providing an ample food source for mold spores.
  4. Condensation
    A lot of condensation means that there is a lot of moisture and there could potentially be a mold problem. Mold can grow anywhere where there is condensation build up.
  5. Rust
    Condensation could cause rusting in the home. If you notice rust on pipes you may have a higher moisture level and mold problems.
  6. Warping
    Materials such as drywall and wood can warp if moisture is present. Warped walls may mean a mold problem is present.
  7. Deterioration
    Moisture issues can lead to paint chipping, wallpaper peeling, and other materials deteriorating, so keep an eye out for deterioration in your home.
  8. Strange odor
    You may smell a musty, moldy odor in your home. The worse the smell the higher the possibility of mold growing in that location.
  9. Health problems
    Indoor mold can begin to affect the health of residents who are exposed to it. You or a family member may experience symptoms of mold exposure, such as itchy, watery eyes, runny/blocked nose, sore throat, sneezing, headaches, and respiratory issues.
  10. . Visible mold
    Obviously if you see mold, you have mold in your home. Be aware that even if there is visible mold that may not be the only affected area in your home.

If you suspect your house has mold, contact a qualified industrial hygienist (IH) to test the property. Finding an IH who only specializes in mold testing rather than both testing and remediation ensures there isn't a conflict of interest. The IH will be able to conduct tests to determine if mold is present in your home, the affected areas, and even the level of toxicity as there are various types of mold, some of which are more dangerous than others.

Upon receiving a confirmation that mold is in fact in your home, contact a mold remediation company to safely and properly remove the mold. Attempting to remove the mold without the help of a professional may aggravate the situation as some mold spores may be accidentally missed or spread. SI Restoration is your trusted mold remediation/mold removal expert, helping keep your mold safe and mold-free.

Call 443-701-0111 or email for more information.

Tue, 10/04/2016 - 12:36 by mindgrub

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